London launch of the World Bank’s Report Voice and Agency: Empowering Women and Girls for Shared Prosperity

On the 9th September, the All Party Parliamentary Group for Entrepreneurship’s representative, James Roycroft-Davis, attended the London launch of the World Bank’s report for empowering women and girls. The launch, held at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, was chaired by a panel of 6 esteemed guests who gave their opinions on the benefits the launch of the report will have on helping to change prosperity for emerging women and girls. The report represents a major advance in global knowledge on a critical front. The vast data and thousands of surveys inside the report shine an important light on the nature of the constraints women and girls continue to face globally, on a day to day basis.  Did you know that more than 700 million women are subject to violence at the hands of a husband, boyfriend or partner in their lifetime?

 Not only were the panel of guests incredibly insightful, each guest captivated the audience every time they spoke. Every member of the audience left the auditorium feeling like they had just witnessed, and more importantly been part of something which could transform prosperity for women and girls. Credit must be given to the speakers for creating such an atmosphere. The APPGE would like to thank the organisers of the launch for their wonderful hospitality and also congratulate the bank and authors on creating such an impressive document which will undoubtedly change prosperity for women and girls in the foreseeable future.