Interprise:2012 – APPGE's contribution to Global Entrepreneurship Week

On Monday 12th November 2012, the APPGE hosted its annual event for global entrepreneurship week - interprise:2012 at the Houses of Parliament. The event is organised by partners the Pink Shoe Club and aimed to expand participants' knowledge and skills to achieve ongoing benefit. It was innovative, inclusive and in tune with this year’s theme: Pass it on!

Alongside leading professionals and Parliamentarians, participants included students as well as established and emerging entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs of all ages, abilities, sectors and backgrounds.  

The APPGE captured the event on video. So those absent from the event are able to view a video celebrating our work, parliament and global entrepreneurship week. To help us Pass it on!

So, what did we get up to?
The event was opened by former Serjeant at Arms, Jill Pay, with a report on a previous interprise event held at the Museum of Liverpool. She also talked about the Group’s contribution to the EU consultation on entrepreneurship.

APPGE founder Lord Ahmed, himself a successful entrepreneur, welcomed guests and announced the high profile and exclusive panel. In true APPGE fashion, we began by instigating debate and questions with a panel discussion on ‘Disruptive Entrepreneurship’.

An inclusive and Pass it on! themed agenda saw delegates share experiences in discussion to agree ‘Top Tips’ for entrepreneurs in around 140 characters or less. We used Twitter to share these and Pass it on! 

Track the event @APPGEntre #interprise2012 

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